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Follow here the reports, tips, photos and videos of the Expedition 4x1!!



Who We Are

70 mil km, 19 countries, 10 months, 5 friends and 1 continent.

Somos um grupo de cinco amigos e nos conhecemos desde 2006 (data em que dois de nós fundamos uma república universitária próxima à USP, in the city of Sao Paulo).

Born in different regions of Brazil, ao longo dos anos anteriores à expedição vínhamos vivendo como uma família, driven by the intense environment of our "republic". Together, we traveled to different places in Brazil and abroad, and participated in various activities in college, involving its entities, parties and competitions.

The Expedition 4×1 – Portraits of the Americas was developed by 10 hands and, in general, boils down to a trip that will cover around 70 thousand kilometers by the American territory: we left Sao Paulo on 03 June 2012, we came to Alaska in September, attain the Ushuaia in May and, thereafter, get back to São Paulo.

Além de viagem por si só e do aprendizado que tivemos, there is also another important goal: we believe that our continent still has many things to be discovered, especially human knowledge. Therefore, we intend to document interesting and inspiring life stories – encontrar pelas Américas heróis de carne e osso!

See below more details about the crew of the Expedition 4×1!

Meet the Crew

  • Bruno Maranhão

    25 years old

    Grown in Bauru, moved to Sao Paulo in 2005, where he majored in Business Administration from USP. He worked for 3 years at an investment bank, which he left to join the team of Expedition 4x1 searching new challenges. He loves music and is a technology geek, almost addicted to it. He is one of the drivers of the 4x1 expedition.

  • Gustavo Gracitelli

    24 years old

    "Paulistano" of birth and rearing, majored in economics and worked as an economist in the financial market but, after a time, reached the sensible conclusion that this was not his cup of tea! Besides being passionate about travelling, he likes to write, photograph and record! In Expedition 4x1 he is one of the photographers and videographer.

  • Andre Rezende

    29 years old

    Born in Barra Mansa-RJ, Andre grew up in Resende-RJ, and moved to Sao Paulo to study Engineering at USP. After several years working in the stock market, he decided to take a break in his career to pursue a new learning. He is a sport lover, as well as travelling and adventures. At the 4x1 Expedition , he will be one of the drivers and one of the photographers.

  • Leonardo Liborio

    25 years old

    "Carioca" of birth and "caiçara" of rearing, lived for a few years in Sao Paulo, where completed his bachelor in Economics at the University of Sao Paulo (USP). After a period working at the stock market, he decided to seek a new air. Fan of travelling, sports and adventure, he embraced the proposal of the 4x1 Expedition.. He will use his experience with numbers to take care of project finances.

  • Gabriel Ribeiro

    26 years old

    Gabriel is a "Caiçara", born in Santos but, "paulistano" of rearing and "pernambucano" of heart. In 2005 he moved from Recife to Santos and in 2006 he returned to Sao Paulo. He was approved at USP and started "Republic" with Andre. He worked with social business and then with Marketing until the dream of the 4x1 Expedition to come true. He is fanatic about Santos soccer team, soccer fan and lover of outdoor sports. He is one of the drivers of the 4x1 Expedition.

  • Tanajura

    Zero KM

    Born in São José dos Pinhais - PR and even with a few miles of life moved to the Sao Paulo hustle . Brunette, with its 190 horses, met the Expedition 4x1 and so they became inseparable companions. The generous measures of her back (a beautiful bucket) awarded her the affectionate nickname of Tanajura, by the way, was a "pagode" hit in the 90!