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Follow here the reports, tips, photos and videos of the Expedition 4x1!!


The dream has began

Day 03 June 2012. After a period of almost uncontrollable anxiety , we set! Finally! The Expedition 4×1 came alive at the start of Tanajura toward our first destination. Every effort to get here has been translated into tears of emotion to see that everything was really happening. Deixávamos not rearview friends, family, our safe haven, to go look for something that we didn't know exactly what it was, but we wanted so hard.

If it was difficult to count the days to departure , delaying was even more. We had to postpone our departure for four days. Each day of delay was one less experience and more than hard work and anxiety. When we believed were all set, something unforeseen arose or a new detail appeared. And even after the delay in relation to our planned departure (on the 30 May ), we can't say we were fully prepared. And who is? Things in life are so unpredictable that it would be a lie to say we were all proof. It is true that we were very careful (maybe too much!) to avoid any unpleasant surprises in our way. But, sincerely, we ask if it the trip would be so fun if they don't. Ready or not, Sunday was the limit, could not stand to wait. Anything that, by chance, has lagged behind, would have to be resolved along the path.

The place of departure could not be another: our beloved University of Sao Paulo, where we became inseparable friends, we have graduated and expanded our world view. USP has been our home for years and is always an inspiration for our ideas. Nothing fairer than symbolically deprture from where it all began.

Lots of tears, a lot of emotion. The Expedition 4×1 is finally on the road! Happiness is huge! Even greater is the curiosity about what we know at this 70 thousand miles of adventure. Thank you all for the support and see you for America!


  • Caracas Andrezão!

    Today I discovered the adventure of you. The Goiano (Thiago) commented that you found in the Chapada dos Veadeiros!

    Sincerely, wanted to be one of the crew of Tanajura… this trip will be historic!

    I will monitor and keep cheering for everything to go right. E success for you and others 4 (perhaps 5) adventurers!

    Big hug!

    • second Says

      Great Joaquim,

      Polytechnic is a pest that, site is around espalhado, to the plating of the ARRA veadeiros!

      Thanks for the force, will travel with us through the website, will document everything here!

      Big hug!

  • Fala face.
    Good luck, to accompany here, inside the air conditioner from my bank closed, with few windows.
    Great abs, and congratulations for the courage!

  • Miriam Gracitelli Says

    obs: The article in the magazine You SA was demaaaais! amei to photos ! you are beautiful! the interview and also!

  • As a mom inspired me..

    “Do not get used to not make you happy, revolt when deemed necessary.
    Alague your heart with hope, but do not let him drown in them.
    If you feel you must return, times!
    If you realize you need to follow, follow!
    If you are all wrong, start again.
    If it works, continue.
    They feel saudades, mate-a.
    If you lose a love, do not lose!
    Se o achar, hold it!”
    Fernando Pessoa

    Boys, your dream is coming true, finally!
    Make every moment count! Never allow yourself to indulge in sadness, nostalgia, stress, difficulties, obstacles, or anything that may disrupt!
    Life allowed them a single thing and you fought hard to succeed! It is time to enjoy the effort!
    Living in a small space may bring their troublesome, but strive to combat them!
    It's definitely worth it!
    Everything and everyone is waiting for you! The hearts are tight, but happiness in the day you meet!

    We are following every step! Counting all with VERY proud about the trip! Reading each story! Holding the nostalgia! We are with you everywhere!!!!!

    VAI 4X1 !!

    muitoooo with love,

    Cuca = D

    • Gustavo Says

      Cuca, you left me speechless! In Verdade!
      I am very proud of you and was very happy to read something so exciting! You captured the essence of all, That's it!
      Let's face just like miss a detail, we're all in this together! The Expedition 4×1 only exists because of you key support!
      Te amo, sister!
      Kisses, take care =)

  • Miriam Gracitelli Says

    “There is a time when we must abandon the old clothes
    That already has the shape of our body
    And forget our paths that lead to the same places
    It is the time of crossing
    And if we dare not do it
    We stayed.. forever..
    Â margin of ourselves.”
    Fernando Pessoa

    “People do not need, elasticity is com..
    Moieties not to be, but to be whole, willing to share common goals, happiness and life” Mario Quintana

    Dear son and dear boys, this journey is sure to be a milestone in their lives that goes out jamias. It is unique in that moment is nothing more daring than the happiness of living a dream come true! I am very proud of the courage, responsibility, dedication, effort, friendship, strength and hoestidade that exist in you and the values ​​that easily in their looks and attitudes show up in small gestures.
    Go ahead always!
    God bless you and keep track!
    Viva Expedition 4×1 Portraits of the Americas!
    And peace be with you always!!
    With all my love,
    Miriam (mom)

    • Gustavo Says

      Oi Mae! Thank you for the lovely things you wrote! The excerpts were handpicked hehehe!
      I really enjoyed! A big kiss and that “courage, responsibility, dedication, effort, friendship, strength and honesty” remain with us forever!

  • Amandio Says

    Have a nice trip…. I am in Canada watching my Treiler. I'm back days 12/06. and the Chapada?

    • 4x1
      4x1 Says

      Oi Amandio,

      That legal. A trailer will give much comfort.

      We are now in Brasilia. We spent our last night here and leave in the coming hours to plateau. Have we come in contact with the Pacha Mama. Probably we will be there, but we are still negotiating the value. If you have any tips to make specific, plated on please let us know.

      A hug.

  • Juliana Oliveira Says

    Aeeeeeeeeee Galeraaaaaa!!!!!! Good trip for you!!!!! And very careful on the road huh!!!!!

    Beijãoooo of Ju and Tufo!!!!!!

  • Grace Says

    Showwww! Congratulations! Much excitement is little! We are watching you and cheering! Enjoy every moment to the fullest! = )

  • Marialice Fox Says

    Boys…. Forward is that you walk!!!Then,let's get going , which time the track chegou.Deus, every moment of this wonderful trip !
    Kisses….. Ice

  • Travel under the protection of God. We look forward to his return and the regular reporting of this great adventure!

  • Roger Says

    Good personal journey that God accompany. The editing team is rooting for VCS – Other (Li'l Ze), goes with everything buddy.

  • Andre Phillipe Says

    Good personal journey! seize this unique opportunity.. success in the goals! big hug

  • Rafael Tessari Says

    Have a good trip guys! I'll be watching here! big hug!

  • Juliana Yoshie Says

    The friendship of you is something special mto! Mto nice to see some kids and you guys are amazing!!! Arrasem this journey! We are following!!!

  • Sandra Borges and family Says

    It takes effort to achieve our goals, and that not lacked in vcs. Advance, attitudes are beyond q q provide a bridge certainly has something good q m waiting for you guys in the future.
    Follow with God.
    Vcs love.

  • To here reading all the experiences and hope for VCs year EEV… Congratulations for the courage!
    With ctz a milestone in the lives of many people….
    Sun God's people will!

  • Have a nice trip! All luck and success!

  • that Kiko, Flavian and andreia Says

    al moçada bastanta enjoy and that you have much advantage in all senses big hug and kisses to all be happy.

  • Paulucci to Giselle. Maranhão Says

    I must admit that the excitement was almost uncontrollable but…the intention is only one:
    -Perform at the highest level of energy and success the project “Expedition 4×1 Portraits of the Americas”.
    Congratulations! You are really special people. Pride for us all!
    GOOD LUCK!!!

    • 4x1
      4x1 Says

      Thank you, tia! The emotion hit really hard! We appreciate the great support he has given us! Take care out there too! Kisses!

  • Renata Gukovas Says

    Great trip for you! Enjoy a lot and come back with many stories to tell!!

  • Georgio Says

    That's it, a great trip full of discoveries for you to external and internal. A big hug and who knows we are there?!

    • 4x1
      4x1 Says

      Thanks, Georgio!

      It would be great if the same encontrássmos, let's get talking!!

      We owe you a picture of the cabinet design in the bucket! Do not forget not! rs

      Big hug!!

  • Luiza Guimarães Says

    Amazing post, Mesmo exciting!!!
    Wishing you an amazing trip, full of emotions and adventures!!
    All the best!!

  • Marina Mascarenhas Says

    I almost cried along with this lovely post full of expectations, dreams, courage and responsibility! Congratulations boys!! Have a good trip and take care! We are all waiting for twisting and Adventures! Gu, do not even know your friends, but so happy for you to, I am so anifidade and belonging to you that it's like I knew they tds, As you know (one of the teenage smartass acamp)! Pra Beijos all! Divirtam-if!

    • 4x1
      4x1 Says

      Thank you very much, Marina!!! It is this friendship that gives us strength to move forward with our dreams! Thanks for the force!! Big kiss

  • adonai Says

    bon voyage to all….

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