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Follow here the reports, tips, photos and videos of the Expedition 4x1!!


Nissan Frontier

We bought the car!

Now it is a fact, finally!! After a lot of struggling, many contacts, much study and a lot of negotiation, finally bought the car!

The Expedition 4×1 will be aboard a Nissan Frontier!

That's always been our first choice (internal comfort, Bucket greater and greater power) and, in the end, still got a discount of Nissan Brazil. On Friday (20 April) paid for the car and hopefully take it on Thursday day 3 May ! From there we will begin installing accessories and make appropriate modificacações (to see the post about some of these adaptations, click here).

Friday was a very important day for us! The purchase of the car took a weight off our backs and represented a watershed moment for the Expedition 4×1! We were immersed in this novel of the car for a long time and, on Friday, everything has been solved!!

It is worth to mention that the car payment was a little adventure!! We were on a lunch / meeting in pine when, at 15:00, received the news that the ticket had been generated by the Nissan Brazil! As we needed to pay this ticket as soon as possible (to expedite delivery of the car), ask no restaurant accounting, swallow dessert and went straight to the bank! Moreover, for banks….Andre went to the Citi, arrange to transfer the money to our account PJ and Leonardo and Gustavo were toward the agency Bradesco (where is the bill PJ), pay for the ticket! Important detail, did not have the ticket printed, Traffic was a typical one rainy Friday in Sao Paulo and the bank manager had warned Gustavo, por telefone, that only receive if the agency came up to 16h!

In short, 15h57 to Gustavo able to enter the agency, few minutes after his mother arrived with the ticket printed and, at that moment, entered in the account to trasferência PJ! Yes, oddly enough, everything worked out!!

After that we left only a smile from ear-to-ear, a sense of relief and feel that the Expedition 4×1 is more concrete and real!!!


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