Factsheet 4×1
Date: 05/06/2012 to 07/06/2012
From: Patrocínio-MG
Destination: Brasília-DF
Distance: 505 km
Travel time: 11 hours (including stops for bathroom, photos, addition of about stop 3 hour for lunch and installation of a tracking required by insurance in Patos de Minas, MG)
Path: BR-365 of Patrocínio to Patos de Minas, MG; BR-354 until President Olegario-MG, where we took the MG-410 to John Pike, MG, to finally get into BR-040 tied Brasília-DF
Where to sleep: Uncles of the House of Bruno
What eat different: Picanha on your plate Aloísio
Tire cheio: The city's architecture still impresses! Impossible not to enjoy the beauty and sophistication of drawings by Niemeyer in the main buildings of Brasilia.
Tire murcho: Just passing through. Whilst we are more than one day in the town plan, had several outstanding issues to resolve and the journey time was too short to explore Brasilia in its fullness.
Brasilia (DF) – Passagem Rápida Pela Capital
Miles of road and finally arrived. The green and yellow Ponte JK gave us welcome in the capital of Brazil. A ideia inicial era passarmos a noite em Brasília antes de seguirmos em direção a Chapada dos Veadeiros, woke up so that the next day. But we could not resist. The architectural beauty of the city in getting seduced at least a few more hours in order to photograph the Tanajura parading through the national capital. In the end we spent a day and still take the opportunity to resolve some outstanding issues that remained in.
We were very well received by Mrs. Eliana Aloisio and his, guys do Bruno, addition to his son, Gabriel. We shelter the night before and met even in the midst of the rush hits his move to Sao Paulo, I was about to happen. The house was so warm that the will was there to stay the same. Papo de um lado e do outro e picanha na chapa, his specialty Aloísio, for dinner. Era tudo o que queríamos depois de horas na estrada.
The next day, went to the main sights of the city. We started by jetty, where there is a beautiful view of one of the famous lakes of Brasilia. The place is beautiful and has several restaurants around. That visit! After, We follow National Cathedral, a unique construction, restored a few years ago and houses beautiful sculptures inside. The next destination was the Three Powers Square, spending by ministries. The city's architecture really impresses. See symbolic constructions, As Congress and the Presidential Palace, of Perto, brought us a sense diferente.Mas only we realized that we were in Brasilia even when faced with the effervescence of a protest of a fishing community in front of Congress, claiming more support for their activity. Talking to local, told us that this type of event happening every week. And no wonder.
By night fall, witness the changing of the guard and the removal of the flags in front of presidential palace, which inhabits our Excellency President. Flags of Brazil and Mercosur are taken every day at 18 pm and are replaced at 8 the next morning. A bandeira da República foi mantida hasteada, indicando que a presidenta estava em casa. To try to say hello to our friend Dilma, without much success.
We were just passing through Brasilia and we were not in town long enough to enjoy it best. As some of us already knew and our timing to get to Alaska before the weather starts to punish (by September) is apertado, we traveled. Moreover, a Tanajura estava cansada do asfalto e não via a hora de usar o 4×4 Plated in the Veadeiros.
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And the amigos, that first of all God's Peace be with you.
I am a hairdresser in Sampa- Butantã- and his mother was here in our lounge… made the greatest exposure mercham God that all bençoe.
Ronaldo Hugs
Fala Ronaldo!!
Amem! Ficamos feliz que esteja acompanhando!
show !! I'm doing everything ! kisses
Friends, I advise not to waste time in Brasilia, this city is infected and infested by daring and crazy power hungry at any price. Get away as soon as possible and continue their amazing journey!
We were just passing through!lol Hugs
Brasilia care is full of ladroes… Fast pass mainly along the esplanade of ministries
We take enough care for the! Always alerta!! =P
Éstava lendo sobre a passagem de voces por Brasília e curtindo as informações, mas foi triste ler que colegas mandram vocês terem cuidado que aqui estava infestado de ladrões e voces concordaram dizendo que tomaram cuidado. É uma pena, pois aqui tem muito mais gente de bem que ladrões, inclusive as pessoas que os receberam e deram abrigo.
Oi Maika,
pedimos desculpas pelo mal entendido e o incoveniente gerado.
Encaramos o comentário do Daniel como uma brincadeira, ainda que generalista, e assim buscamos responder na mesma linha.
Sem sombra de dúvidas Brasília é uma belíssima cidade na qual fomos muito bem recebidos, como fizemos questão de mencionar no post.
Obrigado pelo seu comentário.
Animal! Continuem atualizando and…
Keep walking…
You can leave, Guru! Big hug!
Aissimmmm, Plated of Veadeiros
Chapada is too!!! Incredible same!!!